Our unique Digital Twin technology offers unprecedented personalized optimization
of patient treatment to improve
functional, quality of life, and medico-economic outcomes.

Digital Twins

A digital replica of the patient’s anatomy and biomechanics enables the modeling and simulation of movement and function. 

From static images, we build a dynamic virtual model of the patient that simulates therapeutic options.

Biomechanical Simulation

Medical Device design support is made possible by dynamic numerical simulations using a cohort of standardized virtual patients.

Simulate surgical situations for predictive analysis.

Create usage scenarios.

Personalize surgical planning based on the digital twin of the individual patient.

Orthopedic Surgery

Simulate the replacement of an arthritic knee with a knee prosthesis.

Personalize the positioning of the right implant for a given patient, in order to improve his or her quality of life and satisfaction, in addition to a better control of health care expenses.

60% of patients have good surgical results but still experience discomfort or pain in daily life from simple activities, such as putting on shoes or using stairs.

Our tools can be adapted for other knee surgeries and surgeries for other joints, such as the hip, spine, shoulder or foot.

Artificial Intelligence
Automated personalization of virtual patients.

 Deep Learning makes it possible to automatically create digital orthopedic twins from the patient's medical images. 

These automatic retrieval solutions will save time for clinicians, radiologists and surgeons.